News from Summer Primary Class:
Summer is off to a great start!
The first week we focused on plants: we harvested and ate tomatoes and zucchini from our school garden. The students also planted their own green bean seeds and watched as (in just two days!) the roots grew first, then the shoots! What a miracle! These will be transplanted into the garden very soon. Next we discussed the parts of the flower and everyone got to dissect a rose and discover first-hand the stem, leaves, petiole, petals, stamen and pistil.
In week 2 we are learning all about dinosaurs and their traits: which are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, which ones walk, fly and run, and how they protected themselves against predators.
Next week (week 3), the focus will be on nutrition as everyone gets to play the Nutrition Game and learn about filling their “plate” with healthful food. We will focus on the different food groups and how they fuel the body.
We are gardening at least three mornings a week, early in the day, around 9:00 am. The students must wear boots to garden, so please make sure your child has a pair of rubber boots at school so she/he can participate! And, remember, all children must have closed toe shoes every day in order to play outside.
Thank you for sending water bottles with your children. Almost everyone has a water bottle everyday which makes staying hydrated outside much easier.
Hope you are enjoying your summer – we are!
Sarah Hester